John Leggett, adjunct professor of music at Weimar Institute, is the founder of the Interfaith Community of Choirs (1999) and co-founder of the Amador Children's Chorus (2000). He is happily married to music educator Kirstin Leggett and the proud father of three children.
Leggett is a registered piano technician (RPT) with the Piano Technicians Guild of America and past President of the Sacramento Valley Chapter.
Leggett holds a Bachelors degree in Music (trombone); a Bachelor of Arts in Religious studies - including a one year residency at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel; and a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting, under Donald Kendrick - all from California State University, Sacramento (CSUS).
Adult choirs meet three months out of each year to perform for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. The ICC is a non profit organization under the Amador Community Foundation.
SATB Choirs Women’s Chorus Men’s Chorus
Barbershop Singing Children’s Choirs
2012 Festival of Carols Program
2013 Festival of Carols Program
2014 Festival of Carols Program
2015 Festival of Carols Program
